The colonial roots of Zionism

The colonial roots of Zionism

The following two-part series of The Socialist Program with Brian Becker delves into the real history of the Israeli state. Both episodes feature Richard Becker, author of Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire—a book for which Liberation School has a study and...

Socialism an integral part of U.S. labor history

Socialism an integral part of U.S. labor history

In celebration of International Workers Day or May Day Liberation School is republishing "Socialism an integral part of U.S. history" by Eugene Puryear. Originally published in 2010 as a response to the mobilization of anti-communist propaganda against Obama to paint...

The life and legacy of Harry Haywood

The life and legacy of Harry Haywood

The following article was originally published on Liberation News in 2011 and accompanies this Liberation School article on Haywood's contributions to the "Black Belt" thesis. Introduction There is an old saying that “history is written by the victors.” While subject...

Liberation School is an educational site for activists and fighters created by the Party for Socialism and Liberation. Maintained by a core editorial collective of PSL members, we’re committed to providing political and historical clarity to the burning issues of our movement. The socialist digital school is for both PSL members and friends as well as all progressive and revolutionary activists.

In addition to in-depth articles, analysis, and Party documents, Liberation School features a growing number of online courses as well as study and discussion guides to help a new generation of revolutionaries learn, study, and apply Marxist theory.

If your organization, website, or journal is interested in republishing material from Liberation School, please see our guidelines here.

Leila Khaled: Palestinian fighter, Marxist revolutionary

Leila Khaled: Palestinian fighter, Marxist revolutionary

In celebration of International Women's Day, and in honor of Leila Khaled and all the women who have played a decisive role in the struggle for Palestinian national liberation, we are republishing this article originally published by Liberation School April 17, 2007....

Amílcar Cabral: Liberator, theorist, and educator

Amílcar Cabral: Liberator, theorist, and educator

Editor's note: We're republishing this article from two years ago to commemorate the 50th anniversary of Amílcar Cabral's assassination on January 20, 1973. Introduction Amílcar Lopes da Costa Cabral was born September 12, 1924 in Bafatá, Guinea-Bissau, one of...