“Left-wing” Communism: Reading and discussion guides

Sep 21, 2018

From "Man at the crossroads," by Diego Rivera. Source: Wikimedia Commons.

In July-October 2018, the Party for Socialism and Liberation undertook a party-wide study of Lenin’s “Left-Wing” Communism: An Infantile Disorder. Here we share our edited materials so other communists and progressives can collectively study this key work. These materials include a reading and discussion guide, as well as answers to each.

PDFs of study materials:


The colonial roots of Zionism

The colonial roots of Zionism

The following two-part series of The Socialist Program with Brian Becker delves into the real history of the Israeli state. Both episodes feature Richard Becker, author of Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire—a book for which Liberation School has a study and...

Socialism an integral part of U.S. labor history

Socialism an integral part of U.S. labor history

In celebration of International Workers Day or May Day Liberation School is republishing "Socialism an integral part of U.S. history" by Eugene Puryear. Originally published in 2010 as a response to the mobilization of anti-communist propaganda against Obama to paint...

The colonial roots of Zionism

The colonial roots of Zionism

The following two-part series of The Socialist Program with Brian Becker delves into the real history of the Israeli state. Both episodes feature Richard Becker, author of Palestine, Israel and the U.S. Empire—a book for which Liberation School has a study and...