Imperialism in the 21st century (study guide)

Apr 7, 2017

Click here to order your copy of the Imperialism in the 21st CenturyThe following is a list of study and facilitator resources for the PSL book Imperialism in the 21st Century (2015). The resources have been divided into three classes, but each study group and reader should go at whatever pace makes the most sense for them.

Click here to order your copy of the Imperialism in the 21st Century

To find a study group near you, contact your local PSL chapter

Class 1: Monopoly Capitalism and Lenin’s Definition of Imperialism

Main reading: Chapter 1 of Imperialism in the 21st Century

Class 1 Facilitator Guide (.docx)
Class 1 Study Guide / Anticipation Guide (.docx)
Handout: “How Lenin Defined Imperialism (.docx)
Additional Class Reading: “Lenin for Beginners” excerpt (.pdf)
Additional Class Reading: The Beginning of World War I (.pdf)

Class 2: From Inter-Imperialist Conflict to Global Class War to the Unipolar Era

Main reading: Chapter 2 and 3 of Imperialism in the 21st Century

Class 2 Facilitator Guide (.doc)
Class 2 In-Class Jigsaw Assignment (.docx)
Additional Reading: Understanding the Sino-Soviet Split

Class 3: The Fight Against Opportunism

Main reading: Chapter 4 of Imperialism in the 21st Century

Class 3 Facilitator Guide
Class 3 Concept Organizer
Additional Class Reading: “Lenin for Beginners” excerpt (.pdf)

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