Fundamentals of Marxism

What is women’s oppression and is it inevitable?

Several years ago, then-president of Harvard University, Lawrence Summers, faced widespread criticism for suggesting that women are less able to succeed in math and science due to their “innate differences” with men. Women scientists from the same...

Eight myths about socialism — and their answers

Eight myths about socialism — and their answers

Over the last few years, the word socialism has become more and more common. Usually, it’s used in an extremely negative way and in almost all situations the politician or commentator uttering the word either has no idea what it means or is being intentionally...

The goal of socialism: Peace and equality amid plenty

The goal of socialism: Peace and equality amid plenty

What will socialist society look like? The earliest pioneers of scientific socialism—Karl Marx and Frederick Engels—did not philosophize about what socialism and communism would look like in detail. Nor did they discuss how long it would take to transform society from...

What is national oppression?

Oppression and exploitation are basic features of capitalist society. Workers are paid wages while the capitalist owners make profits from the products created by those who work. This is the essence of economic exploitation. Almost every worker, even if they do not...

What is socialism?

The United States is the wealthiest country in the world. Its Gross National Product is $12 trillion. Yet 45 million people in the United States live without health insurance. Some 33.6 million people are food insecure or hungry. Over 3 million people experience...

What is class struggle?

“If class warfare is being waged in America, my class is clearly winning.” Those were the words of billionaire Warren Buffett, chair of Berkshire Hathaway, an insurance and investment holding company. Buffett is the second-richest man in the world. Indeed,...

What is the state?

When people talk about “the state” in day-to-day conversation, they are usually referring to government agencies like civil services or any other service funded by taxes. Maybe, if the conversation is more directly concerned about politics, “the...