Labor Struggle
Silicon Valley monopolies conspired against high-tech workers

Silicon Valley monopolies conspired against high-tech workers

In early 2005, as the most recent boom phase of the capitalist industrial cycle came into sight, Apple’s Steve Jobs arranged a secret and illegal pact with Google’s Eric Schmidt to hold down their workers' wages by agreeing not to recruit each other’s employees,...

Behind the defeat in the Walker recall election

Behind the defeat in the Walker recall election

The recall election in Wisconsin was won by organized Big Money. Lots will be said by many pundits about various aspects of the election, but the most important issue is how Big Money or the 1 percent were able to shape the electoral environment. Looking at that...

A general strike can lead to victory in Wisconsin

The writer is a union organizer. Workers across most of Asia, Africa, Europe and Latin America have experience in using general strikes in order to press for political demands. For example, in 1995, French workers forced the government to retreat at least temporarily...

Socialism an integral part of U.S. labor history

As the U.S. mid-term elections approach, right-wing Tea Party demagogues have stepped up their attacks on the Obama administration for being “socialist.” Their rhetoric builds on the decades of cold war anti-communist propaganda by capitalist politicians and the...

The challenges and rewards of union organizing

C. Gonçalves is a member of the Boston branch of the Party for Socialism and Liberation and shop steward and negotiating committee member of his union. He presented the following talk as part of the panel "Building a new workers movement" at the PSL National...

Unions and the struggle for democratic rights

Unions and the struggle for democratic rights

Since when did unions become a special interest? Many people complain about the influence of “special interests” in politics. Reformers claim that lobbying on behalf of these special interests distorts the democratic voting process during elections and in Congress. Of...

Democracy on the job? Not under capitalism

Democracy on the job? Not under capitalism

Imagine you were in a place where you had no rights at all. If you did anything wrong, you would face harsh punishment, including denying you the ability to feed your family. Most of us do not have to imagine. It is the reality of our workplaces. If you arrive at work...

Why do socialists look to the working class?

This article is adapted from a talk given at the April 1 Socialism Conference hosted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation in Washington, D.C. Many of you may have noticed how many times “workers” have been mentioned in this conference. We use phrases like...

Three strikes that changed the balance for labor

Few progressive people today who are interested in social change look to the leadership of the AFL-CIO for direction. Declining membership and subservience to the political program of the Democratic Party have left the labor federation crippled as it tries to survive...