Women’s Liberation
Remembering Coretta Scott King

Remembering Coretta Scott King

On Jan. 31, Coretta Scott King passed away at age 78. She was a leader within the Civil Rights movement, a woman who fought for economic and social justice for the Black community, the LGBT community and poor and working people. Coretta Scott was born in Heiberger,...

The revolutionary role of women in Cuba

“Revolution within the Revolution.” This is what Cuba calls the struggle for women’s equality. This phrase is used because even though the social system and economic conditions in Cuba were fundamentally transformed by the revolution, social relations could not be...

Rosa Luxemburg: an example of revolutionary struggle

Rosa Luxemburg: an example of revolutionary struggle

This article first appeared in the January 2007 issue of Socialism and Liberation magazine. January 15 marks the anniversary of the 1919 assassination of communist leader Rosa Luxemburg. She, along with her comrade Karl Liebknecht, were leaders of the revolutionary...