VIDEO: We need your help to build the movement for socialism

Aug 15, 2022

We started the Party for Socialism and Liberation (PSL) with a small handful of members, determined to build a multi-national, multi-generational and large-scale socialist party in a country that seemed to have mostly rejected socialism. The task seemed daunting. We were few in numbers with virtually no resources during a time when socialism was treated as an absolute taboo within the United States. Today, 18 years later, the PSL has branches, collectives and members throughout the country. We have an organized presence in over 100 cities and towns, and have expanded our presence substantially throughout the South in recent years. We are growing dynamically and appeal to you to provide support for our continued growth.

Every year all members of the PSL participate in a National Fund Drive. Like a union or many other types of working-class organizations, we know the only way to be politically independent from the capitalist class is to be financially independent from it. We appeal to our friends and supporters to contribute to this fund. Watch the video above to hear from our members why the funds from the drive and your support is critical to so many activities. From the launch of national initiatives, to putting organizers and speakers on the road, to supporting and coordinating local organizing, to producing PSL publications and other media, and to deepening the Party’s international solidarity work — the National Fund Drive is essential.

Just this year we have witnessed an all-out assault from the ruling class on the fundamental democratic rights of the people, from Native sovereignty, to Miranda rights, to employment, to voting rights, and even basic bodily autonomy and reproductive choice.  And all while the Democrats control the House, Senate and White House!

But across the country, the PSL is fighting back and real victories are being won by the people even in this time of reaction.

Through our members’ dedication of their time, finances, collective work and sacrifice, the PSL has helped build and sustain movements against oppression and for liberation. We ask for your donation to give us the financial resources to continue to push the struggle forward.

Make an urgently-needed donation here!

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