Liberation theology and anti-imperialism across the Americas

Aug 31, 2022
Graphic with text, "Discussion with Claudia De La Cruz"

Claudia de la Cruz is a popular educator, community organizer and theologian. She is currently the Co-Executive Director of The People’s Forum. This presentation and discussion on “Liberation theology & anti-imperialism across the Americas” took place online on January 27, 2022. It was hosted and co-sponsored by the Critical Theory Workshop, the student groups “Global Social Justice” (Villanova University) and “Students for Socialism” (West Chester University), as well as a number of departments and administrative units at Villanova University: Mission and Ministry, Cultural Studies, Center for Political Theology, Political Science, Philosophy. Given the relevance of this presentation to global struggles for socialism, Liberation School is re-posting it here with the authorization of the Critical Theory Workshop.

Claudia discusses the global working-class struggle against imperialism and how it relates to the tradition of liberation theology. She explains how this tradition draws on the full spiritual force of humanity–unbridled by dogma, institutionalized hierarchies or church doctrine–in a selfless fight for emancipation that focuses on the most oppressed and exploited communities.

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