The 2nd installment of our Liberation School Interview series features Dr. Jared A. Ball on the topic of his 2020 book, The myth and propaganda of Black buying power (Palgrave Macmillan). Exposing the myth and marketing strategy that the path to freedom lies through...
Debunking an illusion inhibiting the Black Struggle: A review of Jared Ball’s new book
Introduction In the wake of the most recent rebellions against racism and police terror, there were widespread calls to “support Black businesses.” These calls were another reiteration of what Jared Ball demystifies in his latest book: The Myth and Propaganda of Black...
From rebellion to revolution
Editorial note: This article was originally published on Liberation News. Introduction A profound rebellion against racism has been sweeping the country for a month. Millions have taken to the streets in every part of the country, shaking public opinion. Elite...
Why revolutionaries commemorate Juneteenth
Editor's note: This article is based on a talk given by Telijah Patterson in Harlem on June 3rd, 2016, and was published on Liberation School shortly afterwards. Born into struggle I would first like to introduce myself and talk about where I come from. I am an...
A Black Harlem communist speaks: Abner Berry 1-5
Editor’s Note: Liberation School continues our Black Communist History series with a transcription of an interview with Abner Berry. Berry edited the Harlem edition of The Daily Worker in the 1940s and 1950s. He was a founding member of Black Workers for Justice....
Black Bolsheviks and white lies
A lot of nonsense has been written about the role of Putin’s Russia in subverting “our democracy.” As though our democracy had been functioning perfectly (even reasonably) well, until these shadowy Russian forces purchased a few Facebook ads that sent us all into the...