Capitalist overproduction and the banking crisis

Capitalist overproduction and the banking crisis

Just weeks before the U.S. presidential election, the economic and financial crisis that started with a weakening of the U.S. housing market in mid-2006 has taken a dramatic turn for the worse. Panicky runs on major banks has caused new failures and forced mergers....

Why the U.S. backs Kosovo ‘independence’

Why the U.S. backs Kosovo ‘independence’

While the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, and developments in Venezuela, Pakistan and Palestine have dominated the world news, another crisis has been building in southeastern Europe. There, the U.S.-NATO-backed "independence" of Kosovo, a predominantly Albanian...

Al Gore, imperialist: some inconvenient truths

Al Gore, imperialist: some inconvenient truths

Former U.S. Vice President and Senator Al Gore has been awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for his work against global warming. Gore does have a long history of speaking out on the issue of global warming. His film, "An Inconvenient Truth," has played a role in bringing...

Why the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

Why the U.S. dropped nuclear bombs on Hiroshima and Nagasaki

August 6 and 9 mark the anniversaries of the nuclear bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Numerous historical and personal accounts will emerge in the press, recounting the destructiveness, inhumanity, and long-term misery created by the two U.S. bombs. Nuclear...

The United Nations and imperialism

The United Nations and imperialism

On Sept. 20, Venezuela’s president Hugo Chávez gave a speech at the United Nations General Assembly. Unlike most of the diplomats who gave bland speeches about lofty ideals, Chávez took the opportunity to condemn U.S. imperialism’s drive for world domination. He also...

The evolution of the modern capitalist state

At a meeting in early February, an activist from South Korea told me: “We only wish Bush could run for office a third time. No other political force could have helped the progressive and pro-reunification movement in Korea make so much progress. Bush’s hard-line...