revolutionary theory
The Marxist theory of the state: An introduction

The Marxist theory of the state: An introduction

Editor's note: A Spanish translation of this article is available here. Introduction Our understanding of the state lies at the heart of our struggle to create a new society and fundamentally eliminate the oppression, exploitation, war, and environmental destruction...

What does it take to make a socialist revolution?

What does it take to make a socialist revolution?

Editor’s note: A Spanish translation of this article is available here. “The passing of state power from one class to another is the first, the principal, the basic sign of a revolution, both in the strictly scientific and in the practical political meaning of that...

Walter Rodney: A people’s professor

Walter Rodney: A people’s professor

Introduction In a recent book on the ongoing relevance of Walter Rodney’s work, Karim F. Hirji notes that, “as with scores of progressive intellectuals and activists of the past, the prevailing ideology functions to relegate Rodney into the deepest, almost...