This publication features analysis of the theory of socialism, the historical experiences of revolution and the features of capitalism that make socialism an urgent necessity. The book is divided into four sections:
I. Why socialism? A goal and a program for victory
II. The development of socialist ideas
- The first modern socialists: utopian? The means, not the goal
- The Communist Manifesto: A guide to changing the world
- The ‘dictatorship of the proletariat:’ How can the working class defend its revolution?
- The goal of socialism: Peace and equality amid plenty
III. Historical experience and socialist revolution
- Rebellion and the need for organization
- What difference can a socialist revolution make?
- Don’t stop with reforms! Reaching beyond the existing social order
- Anarchism: What is militancy without a winning program?
- Socialism and the legacy of the Soviet Union
IV. Burning issues: Why Socialism?
- The absurdity of capitalist overproduction: A glut of homes in a sea of homelessness
- Dismantle the racist prison system!
- Eradicating the scourage of racism from U.S. society
- Can sexism be eliminated under capitalism?
- Insuring the rights won by the LGBT movement
The full book is available below and can be ordered in print here.