Originally published in January 2020, we're republishing this article on June 27, 2023, on the 70th anniversary of the armistice agreement ending military action in the U.S. war against Korea. Editor’s note Ahn Hak-sop was an officer in the Korean People’s Army of the...
Islamophobia and imperialism: Nazia Kazi on race and global politics
Editor’s note: The latest installment in our Liberation School interview series focuses on the relationship between Islamophobia and imperialism. Jennifer Ponce de León interviews Nazia Kazi about her work on race and global politics, with a particular focus on how to...
The history of class struggle from the Russian Revolution to the Cold War: An interview with Jacques Pauwels
Editor’s note: The latest installment in our Liberation School interview series provides a general overview of class struggle from the Russian Revolution to WWII & the Cold War. PSL member Gabriel Rockhill and historian Jacques Pauwels discuss the desire on the...
The history of class struggle from 1789-1917: An interview with Jacques Pauwels
Editor’s note: The latest installment in our Liberation School interview series provides a general overview of class struggle from the French Revolution of 1789 to the Russian Revolution. PSL member Gabriel Rockhill and historian Jacques Pauwels discuss the class...
Walter Rodney’s revolutionary praxis: An interview with Devyn Springer
The following interview, facilitated by Derek Ford, took place via e-mail during June and July in preparation for Black August, when progressive organizers and activists deepen our study of and commitment to the Black struggle in the U.S. and the anti-colonial and...
Culture as a weapon of class warfare: An interview with Claudia De La Cruz
Editor's note: The latest installment in our Liberation School interview series focuses broadly on the relationship between culture and politics. PSL member Gabriel Rockhill and popular educator, community organizer, author, and theologian Claudia De La Cruz discuss...
Homelessness, public space, and the limits to capital: An interview with Don Mitchell
Editor’s note: This interview was conducted via e-mail during February-March 2021, in response to Don Mitchell’s latest book--Mean streets: Homelessness, public space, and the limits to capital--and his overall work on space and capitalism, which can provide us with...
Liberation School Interview: Dr. Jared Ball on the myth of Black buying power
The 2nd installment of our Liberation School Interview series features Dr. Jared A. Ball on the topic of his 2020 book, The myth and propaganda of Black buying power (Palgrave Macmillan). Exposing the myth and marketing strategy that the path to freedom lies through...
The Black struggle, the communist movement, and the role of Black women: An interview with Dr. CBS
Editor's note: The editorial collective is excited to release the first in our new series of Liberation School Interviews. Through video and text, these interviews with leading militant scholars, organizers, and activists, discuss their research and activities,...