Introduction to Women’s Oppression
Socialism lays basis for a new stage of human history

Socialism lays basis for a new stage of human history

The PSL’s program for women’s and LGBTQ liberation Karl Marx, the founder of scientific socialism, once wrote that the socialist stage is the beginning of real “human history.” Right now our existence, our lives, our food, our education and basic survival are not...

Shattering the idea of ‘women’s work’

Shattering the idea of ‘women’s work’

Women and the workplace in socialist societies Although politicians might occasionally make hollow statements and enact toothless policies about gender non-discrimination, the historical record of women’s participation in professions under capitalism is dismal. Women...

A socialist perspective on ending women’s oppression

A socialist perspective on ending women’s oppression

United, anti-capitalist struggle The following is based on a talk presented at the Socialist Women’s Conference in New York City on Feb. 11, 2007, hosted by the Party for Socialism and Liberation. The vital question for us today is: How can the liberation of women and...

What is women’s oppression and is it inevitable?

Several years ago, then-president of Harvard University, Lawrence Summers, faced widespread criticism for suggesting that women are less able to succeed in math and science due to their “innate differences” with men. Women scientists from the same...

The history of IWD: Women’s power is people’s power!

March 8 marks the 99th anniversary of International Women’s Day. The date honors the economic, political and social achievements of working-class women worldwide. The first International Women’s Day was celebrated in the United States on Feb. 28, 1909, following a...

Socialist revolution and women’s liberation

This article first appeared in March 2005's Socialism and Liberation magazine. In 1949, the story of a young woman named "Gold Flower" became known around the world as an example of the path toward liberation taken by millions of Chinese women. Civil war was raging...